Thursday, April 19, 2012

Belbins Team Role Test

The results describe that the completer is responsible for the team’s achievements. Completers are concerned when errors are made, and they tend to worry because of their controlling nature. The completer is also known as a finisher because they are most effectively used at the end of a task. The weakness of a completer is unnecessarily rushing the planning stage of a project and Reluctant to delegate and worries too much. Most of the above results are same with my strength and weaknesses. Because I’m keen on finish work.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Time Management (Don't give 1 minute more or 1 minute less)


Time is a limited factor in our life. We have only 86400 seconds per day to spend. So Time Management is one of most important factor in our personal life. We failed to manage our time Regularly Because of procrastination

Procrastination is avoiding doing things that need to be done or leaving things undone for as long as possible.
We have to avoid procrastination to manage our time.The following steps we can practice for manage our time
  • ·       Set goals
  • ·       Determine study time as well as free time
  • ·       Prioritize your work
  • ·       Maintaining a Diary

Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to overcome the problem of reading Study texts

Reading a study text is a boring thing to do as a student, but specially as a University student we have to read text books regularly. A reason behind a success student is reading study texts and grabs knowledge. As a student we can overcome this problem by practicing the SQ4R method

SQ4R Method

In the first step take a couple of minutes to skim the chapter. Don't read it. Look at the chapter objectives, topic headings, picture/diagram captions, key words (if any), and read the summary.

As you survey the material, ask the questions about what you will be reading and what you will try to answer. Turn the headings and subheadings into questions. These questions give you a real reason for reading and will help you concentrate on the subject you are reading.

Now you should read actively with these certain questions in mind and attempt to answer the questions and organize the material. These answers will be the important facts and details. Read everything in a chapter including any of the visual aids such as picture captions, graphs, charts, etc. Note any words or phrases that are italicized, underlined, or in bold print The tendency in reading is to keep going, but you should stop at the end of each section to see if you can answer the questions you asked at the start of the section.

Summarize the main ideas, in other words, aloud or to yourself, after finishing a page. Check the comprehension and make sure you have the correct information. Do the same for the major points after reading each section or chapter.

Once you've understood the material and can summarize it in your own words, the next step is to record the information in some way. Some common methods are to highlight and/or mark the text, or take notes, or some combination of both. Whichever method or combination of methods you choose critical to remember to read and understand the material first, and then go back and record.

When you’re done reading, skim back over the chapter, or read your notes. Then check your memory by reciting and quizzing yourself again. Make frequent review a key part of your study habits.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What is the best strategy for note taking?

There are two strategies for note taking

1. Cornell Note Taking System


Cue column- The space to the left of the vertical margin should be reserved for a cue (or recall) column. You should not write in this area during the lecture, while you are taking notes. The cue column is not created until you review your notes.

Note Taking Area- The space to the right of the vertical margin is where you actually record your notes during the lecture. Pick a note-taking format with which you are comfortable there are no hard-and-fast rules for this aspect of the Cornell system

Summerise- The area below the horizontal margin near the bottom of the page should be reserved for a summary of the notes on that page. A summary is brief at most, only a few sentences. The page summary provides a concise review of the important material on the page

2. Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a visual ideation technique in which an individual explores all aspects of an idea using a visual map or diagram. Mind mapping can be useful when facilitating a creative process or brainstorming session. One advantage is that it allows individuals to explore ideas uninterrupted.

Which strategy is more useful?

Note Taking strategy can be vary from one person to another. Because its depend which side of the brain person use regularly .if it is right side means person is creative and left side means person is more logical .logical people suits the Cornell Note Taking System & Creative People suits Mind mapping.

How to know which side of your brain use regularly?
Download the brain.exe file through this link-,  and answer the question and they will provide a result.

My Result

Monday, April 2, 2012

SWOT Analysis


      ·Good Lerner from mistakes  
      · Computer Literacy
      ·Time Management
      ·Team Worker 
      ·Documentation Skill
      ·Reading Skills
      ·Practical thinking

       ·Oral Presentation Skills
       ·Communication skills
       ·Note taking skills
       ·Research Skill
       ·Writing Skill


      ·study a programing language
      · join to toastmasters to improve
   presentation Skill   
      ·Do a part time job related to CIMA studies(in an audit firm)

      ·Public transportation constraints
      ·Time Constrains
      ·Higher Expectation from parents

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to effectively answer questions in your exam?

I’m usually write paragraphs in the answer script, but the lecture told us the art of writing in the examination. The better method is point by point writing with an example. So it can help to show our arguments properly, and examiner will never miss your valuable points. I try this method in P3W in course examination; I think I’m successful in that occasion.

Google Active Listener Test Results