Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 2 (Punctuality)

The second day of lecture was in the morning session, and three mates came late to the lectures, and Mr. Rehan got real annoyed, and he said punctuality is a most important thing in a life.

Punctuality is the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfil an obligation before or at a previously designated time. As a student’s we need to improve our punctuality because when we entered to the industry level, we need to meet so many deadlines. If you are a punctual person, it’s become easy to handle deadlines, as well as being punctual show's respect and consideration for others. Punctuality also shows you have self-discipline and organizational ability. Being more punctual is all about good planning and organization and knowing when to act.

    “Punctuality is the soul of business”
                   Thomas Chandler Haliburton

As a human being we can’t be punctual at every time. Because there are lot of unavoidable reasons, but if you are on time eight times out of 10, then you are a punctual person, but if you are late more often than this, then your punctuality could do with a helping hand.

Today we got our Individual assignment. Lecture discussed about the assignment. It includes following two subsections.
                           • Research report & presentation of research
                           • Reflective portfolio report

There are six topics, and I selected Economic Impact of Outsourcing. We have to deliver our findings in a formal presentation.

Reflective portfolio is second part of the assignment. A portfolio is a collection of evidence that represents achievement, learning experience and analyzing skills within a module/course or programme of study. Portfolio will help for identify our strength and weaknesses, and it will encourage self-learning.

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