Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 3 (Skills and can imperfection create perfection)

Today the lecture was started with a surprise. Mr. Rehan told all students to prepare an airplane from a paper and after that he told to throw it to the White board, but there are few closest to the target but anyone cannot achieve the target. After that he guided all students to prepare a new one, and he told to fly that paper airplane. That one is more successful. The basic idea of this concept is the transformation of skills.

Skill means it is a learned activity and something you can develop through practice and reflection.

These are few types of skills.

Study skills 

Study skills are the abilities and approaches that can be developed from knowledge. The followings are the five study skill component.
  •  Self-awareness and self-evaluation
  •  Awareness of what is required
  •  Methods, organization, strategies
  •  Confidence and permission
  •  Familiarity: practice and habit
Soft skills

Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance and career prospects.
  • Positive Attitude
  • Flexibility/Adaptability
  • Good Communication Skills
  • Time Management Abilities
  • Problem-Solving Skill
  • Self-Confidence
Transferable skills

Transferable skills are the skills and abilities you have acquired during any activity in your life.
  • Plan and arrange events and activities. 
  • Delegate responsibility 
  • Motivate others
  • Multi-Task
Hard skills

Hard skills are skills that you learn over time or through your life
Ex-Technical skills

There was a debate in the later part of the lecture. The topic was can imperfection create perfection. There are both sides of this topic. If a person considered as a good lecture or a teacher, this topic was not valid because if a person can’t teach if he or she not good at it but in the world, anyone is not perfect, perfect mean ideal standards. Another side of the topic is if a person is a self-learner when he or she identified his imperfection and work hard on it and then the person can overcome their imperfections.

In the world there are two strategies, one is working on weaknesses and other 

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